Wednesday, December 8, 2010

When you're buying a Lotus, you don't want to be driving it in the city. Sitting in traffic jams, praying for temporary lights to stay green ("please don't change!"), and avoiding potholes and speed bumps is hardly fun. No, a Lotus is meant for the open road - the wide, open, twisty roads of the British countryside where the only hold up is when you pull over to admire the view.

The 2010 Lotus Exige is loud, harsh and unforgiving. And that's just to name a few of its inconveniences. And yet the Exige is so narrowly focused on performance, all other considerations are secondary. The Exige is mentally and physically demanding to drive, requiring all of the driver's attention as well as a decent amount of upper body strength. To the average driver, this vehicle is torturous. To the enthusiast, this is Nirvana


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