Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Audi is one of the most expensive cars made out there today, besides the Mercedes. The competition between two becomes a competition as to who comes out with the better car. The search for a car that better suits you can also be helped by asking people from internet forums. There are many Audi fans out there and many like the American cars. The best bet for you to do is ask many people from different forums that will give you the better answers to your question. If you plan on buying an Audi you will want to know the A3 is fully ready to rock your world, however it's going to be better for a small family and married couple. When you drive the Audi A3 you will realize you made the right choice when it comes to the shifting and performance of the engine. There are many forums that can tell you the same thing that they found the Audi A3 to be better to drive for them then most cars that are standards. The manual side of the car also allows you to test the engine to its fullest, being very safe at the same time.

2011 Audi RS 5 Picture2011 Audi RS 5 Picture

2011 Audi RS 5 Interior2011 Audi RS 5 Interior

2011 Audi RS 5 Engine


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