Tuesday, February 1, 2011

a luxury affair Peugeot_RC

In the past such shows were seen as an exaggerated staging that failed to meet the key goals of the consumer. Most of the stands that were erected by the major manufacturers at Cobo Hall were, over the top budget wise and were also enormous taking them months to complete setting them up. However, now manufacturers such as Kia, Volkswagen, Land Rover and others have included angular graphical lines and architecturally led concepts into their stand construction. They are increasingly developing cars that are inline with the consumers needs across a wide spectrum of choices. Manufacturers have also spent huge sums of money on researching technology to be utilized in reducing the fuel consumption rate of their designs. For instance, Toyota currently reigns with the Prius model while Honda has unleashed the Honda Insight.
Another popular auto show is the Mondial de l'Automobile also known as the Paris Auto Show. It is important to note that this cars show is the oldest motor show that exists in the world, with it roots dating to back to the nineteenth century, in eighteen ninety eight. This is a luxury affair as the city of Paris always is when it comes to design and fashion. The automobiles that were on show during latest Mondial de l'Automobile in the French Capital included such models as the 2008 Citroen GT Concept, the 2008 Peugeot RC Concept, the 2009 Aston Martin One - 77, 2009 Ferrari California, the 2008 Lamborghini Estoque Concept, the 2009 Renault Megane Trophy, 2009 BMW 7 - Series, among a myriad of other luxury models all competing for the top spot.


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