Thursday, January 27, 2011

So now Audi has created a lightweight version of their flagship coupe the R8 and are calling it the R8 GT. This car weighs 1525kgs compared to the R8 V8 4.2 which weighs in at 1625kgs. As if hearing about a 100kg weight loss in an a car already made from the already light aluminium alloy isn't enough Audi has mentioned that this car comes with the V10 engine used in the, very obviously named R8 V10. So we have extra power coupled to the weight loss.
The R8 V10 road car wasn't exactly a new design idea by Audi. In fact, the R8 was nearly a decade old by the time Audi decided it should be produced for basic road ownership. There were two models of Audi R8 built in 1999 for the 24-hour Le Mans, the R8R and R8C. There was also the Audi R8 racecar built in 2000, and there's an Audi R8 Le Mans Concept 12-cylinder diesel in the works.
now Audi R8 GT has created a lightweight version


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